Roughly twice a month I write a newsletter via Substack.

You can have a read, and or sign up here.

It’s about coping, thriving + imagining.

How we cope in troubling times, how we thrive and find joy and awe despite it all, and how we can imagine and create a better future. Plus some goings-on from the studio.

A couple of popular posts are:

+ Life Changing To-Do Matrix

+ 5 Objects of Enoughness

+ Function Stacking: an Enoughness Life Hack

Find a few writing projects in more detail here…



Pip magazine

Here’s a recent article I wrote and photographed:

RADICAL REST: Follow nature’s lead and allow yourself to slow, rest and recharge

In a world that celebrates toxic productivity, we’re made to feel like resting is lazy and that if we do a heroic amount of work, only then do we deserve to rest. But rest is a right, not a reward. How do we surrender to rest, when it feels like there’s so much to do?

Read this article by subscribing to Pip magazine here.